The PowrBeast™ 9700 direct immersion gas airless sprayer provides unmatched durability and performance. The PowrBeast offers the innovative HydraStroke Technology™ with only one moving part, the Severe Service™ fluid section that has a long slow stroking piston all powered by a best in class Honda® engine. Recommended for large projects or when you need the power to spray heavy coatings.
Sprays stains, lacquers, epoxies, enamels, elastomeric, latex, dry fall and block fillers
** Free Freight (LTL) Shipping
- Designed to consistently spray 400-500 gallons per week
- Can power up to 5 guns
- HydraStroke Technology™ Efficient and versatile with no clutch to burn
- Severe Service™ Fluid Section Powerful slow-stroking piston
- Active Cooling Tank Maximizes airflow to actively cool the system
- Front Mounted Motor/Pump Assembly Easy to access for maintenance and service
- Submersed Foot Valve Maximizes suction for heavy graded materials
- Optimized Shrouding Directs air flow across the motor keeping it cooler
- Large 12" Pneumatic Tires For increased portability and travel over rough surfaces
- Built-In Lift Handles For easy loading and unloading
- Powered by Honda®